Saturday, July 28, 2007

Demo, Demo, Where for art thou? 85

It's been a rather tiring day. I started the day with a walk and a few pictures.

These flowers were part of a bush that looked like it couldn't support anything this beautiful.

Then, in the final stretch before getting home from my walk this morning, a dog, which I'm assuming wasn't supposed to be out of his yard, attempted to bark his way into chasing me, but I let him know who's boss and so he followed me instead.

Next on the agenda was the demo for the SCA, where Spud found out why hay won a ribbon...

Not sure what Ceyle is discussing with Kato...

and Udatai drumming on K.C.'s dumbek...

Couldn't forget the kids :D

Last, but not least...

Kinda spooky, huh?

Friday, July 27, 2007

What the... ? 84

I have little clue what this is. I was leaving for work this morning and this was on my front left tire... My initial thought was a mud dauber or however that's spelled, but that's not an informed guess, just a flat out guess.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nature Walk 83

Michael and I went out for a walk this morning to the park behind the house. Pushing through a bit of the overgrowth near the creek, I decided to take pictures of the water.

What's odd about this is the effect is not due to shadows on the water, but something in the water itself as you can see in the following picture.

Just above the brown branches in the above pic is where vagrants have camped in the past. Today we could safely say none were living there. I'm sure with the flooding in May (this is the creek that flooded), they've gone on to greener pastures for a bit.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

WoF 82

We went to Worlds of Fun today. The kids had a blast, tho Robert was a little tentative about enjoying the rollercoasters. We did get him to ride on a couple tho. And guess what, no sunburns even tho it got over 90! Enjoy!

The End

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Urban Survival 81

Definitely not an amazing picture, but figured I'd post it anyway. Everyone else in the house (and count K.C. in that) worked on building a fort in my front room. It went through many incarnations. The fort ended up staying overnight. The next morning, who should be in the fort, but Lacy...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wonderments 80

We had a quiet rain this morning and one of the plants in front of the house has pretty little pink flowers when it blooms. I have no idea what the plant is called, but I thought the water droplets looked striking.

The fig tree has simply been blooming up a storm, though during the summer I've had to water it every day or near as to that as makes no difference. It consumes water like mad, but K.C. indicated it was likely the air conditioner's fault. Regardless, lots of water. Here's the link to what the tree originally looked like before I started caring for it. I think it's come quite a ways.

Here's the drawing Michael did of the dragon from his book the other day when Jenn and Michael were at B&N's Midnight Magic Harry Potter party. I think he did an amazing job considering he's 12.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Family in Solo 79

It wasn't really a conscious effort, but that's what ended up happening tonight. I took a picture of each individual family member (other than myself, of course) at roughly the same time.

Jacque was watching a movie just before going to sleep...

Michael was trying his best *not* to get in the picture before he left to brush his teeth...

Robert was relaxing before his turn in the bathroom while a video game was going on the tv...

T.J. was trying to throw a pillow at me to keep me from taking his picture, but the video camera was too quick for him... Did I mention I like this camera? :D

And K.C. was playing Halo on his computer in the backroom.