Monday, July 23, 2007

Wonderments 80

We had a quiet rain this morning and one of the plants in front of the house has pretty little pink flowers when it blooms. I have no idea what the plant is called, but I thought the water droplets looked striking.

The fig tree has simply been blooming up a storm, though during the summer I've had to water it every day or near as to that as makes no difference. It consumes water like mad, but K.C. indicated it was likely the air conditioner's fault. Regardless, lots of water. Here's the link to what the tree originally looked like before I started caring for it. I think it's come quite a ways.

Here's the drawing Michael did of the dragon from his book the other day when Jenn and Michael were at B&N's Midnight Magic Harry Potter party. I think he did an amazing job considering he's 12.

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