Saturday, July 28, 2007

Demo, Demo, Where for art thou? 85

It's been a rather tiring day. I started the day with a walk and a few pictures.

These flowers were part of a bush that looked like it couldn't support anything this beautiful.

Then, in the final stretch before getting home from my walk this morning, a dog, which I'm assuming wasn't supposed to be out of his yard, attempted to bark his way into chasing me, but I let him know who's boss and so he followed me instead.

Next on the agenda was the demo for the SCA, where Spud found out why hay won a ribbon...

Not sure what Ceyle is discussing with Kato...

and Udatai drumming on K.C.'s dumbek...

Couldn't forget the kids :D

Last, but not least...

Kinda spooky, huh?

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