Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week 6, Jacque - 38 + Bonus

We attempted to find another geocache, which we believe is still there, but just more of a pain to get to than we wanted to accomplish tonight. Instead, Jacque found geese and ducks. She was so fascinated by them that I had to get a few pictures.

Undesireable bonus... We had this idiot who decided the only way to drive was by tailgating. He tailgated us so close we couldn't see his headlights anymore. He tailgated the people next to us, he tailgated the guy behind us. It was simply amazing he didn't cause an accident. I was trying to capture him on camera, but this was the closest I got as he finally zoomed past.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Week 6, Outdoors 37

This image isn't very good. I had woken up early and decided to go walking. It was very overcast and had rained earlier. While on my way back to the house, it started to rain. I stopped at the little stream beside 27th street, not far from Washburn. I was hoping to capture the drops of rain hitting the water, but the light wasn't very good and I really didn't want to use the flash.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Week 6, Animal - 36

Ever hear the term "evil cat"? This pic references my definition...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 5, Self - 35 + Bonus

My daughter's requite breakfast... She consumed two today. Growing little girl.

As we were driving across town to put "Operation Cheer Up" into action, the sun simply looked huge along 21st St. I grabbed the video camera to get a closer view and ... wow. Each of these were taken from a moving vehicle. This first is a little perspective, but the other two were close up. The sun being so enlarged to the lens caused an interesting effect.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Week 5, Toy - 34

This was a musical sung by Conner and his 4th grade class. I tried to get a picture of the kids at the front playing with an oversized ball and bat, but it wasn't horridly clear in the dark gym, but I figured I'd include it anyway. The below picture is Conner's entire class. In the back row, directly under the line of the 'd' in need is Conner in a bright yellow shirt and sunglasses.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Week 5, Jacque - 32

Obviously my picture today is my daughter, but we went on an adventure this weekend, so I have more than just the requisite one pic for the day. We took up the hobbies of Geocaching (yup, we did K.C., so bring back a travel bug! ;)) and Letterboxing (if we're going to do one, we might as well do the other too :D) These pics are from our Kansas City jaunt to find caches and stamps.

She started collecting acorn tops. We have a bunch of them in our letterboxing container. Thought maybe we'd get her a box to collect nature things during these trips.

We went to more than one park. The top one was our first failure I'm afraid, but the one with the toys for the kids was our first success. We needed one by that point. :)

While these two attempted to get pictures of the other (while trying not to get shot themselves), I figured it would be appropriate to get them both. ;)