Saturday, February 24, 2007

Week 4, Self - 24

The lighting is horrible, but SURPRISE! Hair cut! Guess compared to my other pics, you can't really tell how long my hair used to be, but it used to get caught in some of my waistbands... Not anymore!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Week 4, Outdoors - 23

To go with Jenn and Kyle's sunset pictures from yesterday... A sunrise.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week 4, Animal - 22

Oh my gosh, week 4... Come on, we can do this! We can make it at least a month, right? :D

Have I ever mentioned my cat is insane? Hmm? Well, she is. This morning she was running around the house like she normally does, like she has something chasing her that really isn't there. In the process of trying to get a picture of this massive Cannonball Run, she decided to change gears and attack the cord on my camera.

Goofy animal...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Week 3, Toy - 21

And the finale for the week! I dragged all of Jacque's stuffed animals out of their nests and wow, she has a lot of stuffed animals.

(Jacque is actually sleeping in the middle of all that... Mean mommy woke her up enough to put her in the middle of all the stuffed animals, but she went right back to sleep. For a little bit...)

We've made it through three weeks... Can we make it a month? :D

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week 3, Wildcard - 20

Running down to the wire and what do I come up with? My daughter of course! :D

Monday, February 19, 2007

Week 3, Self - 19

I may not have mentioned I don't care for pictures of myself, but I'm working on getting over it... Which basically means for now that I don't really like either of these, but I figured I'd post them anyway.

With towel (Zombie...)

And without... Winter where no sun and artificial lighting do almost nothing for me.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week 3, Outdoors - 18

The sun is bright and most of the snow is melting around the city... Caught this one right outside the mall. Would have prefered without the yellow lightpole, but hey. Nothing's perfect. :D